Friday, 10 February 2012

'Bhatt, Be Chai Aap!'

Its an unnaturally cold evening. We're sitting side by side, smoking, drinking गरम चाय , wondering what we're doing with our lives. Two insignificant people, in a big city.
You're thinking of all you lost, and how you messed up. I'm thinking of the future, of the challenges I will face, and the tears I will shed and the bridges I will burn.
Chaotic, is the only way to explain our thoughts. Yet, together we look comfortable, happy even. No one notices us, cocooned as we are from the world. Two quiet people in a fast paced city.
Together, we feel fine. I'm your light. Even in the cold, I'm your warmth. When you think of me, you say you think of fire.
 For me, you're, like lying down after a long hard day, and feeling each muscle relax. You're my comfort. That boy, lost in thought, the ever present cigarette, burning red in the dark, the चाय का  cup, with steam rising up. Despite the worries, and the burdens on our young shoulders, I'm  happy.

The cold winter breeze, the smell of smoke, the rickshaws passing by, and the people rushing by. We register everything, and nothing. When we kiss, its like coming home. Something falls in place. When I'll think of you, I'll always remember the Marlboro Hards, and the mint on your breath, and the crazy life we led, and the peace we found instead.

The Cynical Romantic,


  1. I read it again. Completely different feeling to the one before..!
    I am terrible at explaining things to my certain someone..!

    Can i steal this please?:) Actually aallll of ur posts.. pretty pls?
    cuz it is how i exactly feel.

  2. Silence Unplugged- Thank you, very much, for all your extremely nice comments.
    I'm glad you relate to my posts.
    Please don't steal. My posts are part of me.
    Keep coming back. :)

    1. hahahaha.. areyy! I didnt mean stealing it literally!
      I write too,atleast try writing. So i understand! :)

      And i shall keep coming back for more!

    2. Haha, are i dont literally mean steal them! Mazak me baba!
      I write too, atleast try writing! So i understand!

      Ans yes, i shall keep coming back for more :)

    3. Glad you understand.
      Thank you.
      I read your blog.
      You're good.

    4. I try! :) thankyou!

      and u should write more often. i envy people who express so beautifully, and honestly.
      Somehow words neve come easy to me !

  3. :)
    The last lines took my breath away.
    Brilliant <3


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