The reason people don't understand homosexuality is because
people don't understand love. I've heard people tell me that homosexuality is
against the laws of nature.
Who decides what is against the laws of nature? Sex is in
the laws of nature, because we must procreate. No one said that procreation was
our only option. In this day and age, the less we procreate the better off all
of us are.
If people understood
love they wouldn't be against homosexuality. Is love only about sex? Do we equate heterosexual relationships with sex alone? If I were to say I was in
love with a man would you assume I meant I was in love with his body alone?
Anyone who has felt love knows, that love is a meeting of
minds. A meeting of souls. Isn't that why we love our other halves even when
they're old, wrinkled and ill? If lust was all it was, why would we love them
when their bodies have lost their original youthful charm?
Who decides that a man must love a woman, and a woman must
only love a man? Why do we find it so hard to accept that we simply fall in
love with people? Not their bodies. I fell in love with someone years ago. Till
today people tell me he isn't a good-looking man. In my eyes, however, there
never was or will be a more beautiful human being. I fell in love with his
mind, his intelligence.
Who gave us the right to decide what is and isn't an
acceptable way to love? What makes us think we are so important and or so great
that we can make these choices for people? We spend all our days talking about
allowing people to practice their religion freely in this country of ours.
Secular nation.
Why aren't we allowed to practice our love freely? Isn't
religion love?
There will be those that will tell me that not all
homosexuals who are having sex are in love. This is one of the most foolish
arguments I've heard. Are all heterosexuals having sex in love?
We preach equality and tolerance. Why are we so intolerant
of people that seem different to us? How are homosexuals different? They love,
they feel just the same as you and I. They're as human as the person sitting
next to you. How do we so blatantly disregard their feelings and emotions by
saying it against the law of nature?
I wish I hadn't watched this movie today. You see I run in
circles, or at least I choose circles in which everyone I know is tolerant of
people's choices. Which basically means you could choose to love the Man on the
Moon and we would support you. And I shameless agree that I have an unrealistic
view of the world. I intentionally close my eyes to everything that's wrong
with the world I live in. I know there are people violently against
homosexuality. I know those that make fun of it too. There are those that
confuse different gender spectrums with sexual preferences. I know these things
but I am not associated with these people. So, I have never cared. In my mind,
in my bubble I am accepting of and respectful of another human's choices.
But today, after I watched a respected Professor, insulted,
belittled, tormented, simply because he chose to ease his loneliness with
another man, I am in pain.
There are disgusting predators out there that prey on
children! And we don't publicly belittle them! Why!? Child abusers are one of
the very real problems with our stupid society. Yet we choose to insult and
pick on respected members of society for choosing different things.
Though I have had a lot of complaints about my darling
country, but I have always been a Proud Indian.
Today though, I am ashamed. I am ashamed that I am Indian. I
am ashamed that I live in country where my Honorable Supreme Court is without
honor. I openly, freely and forever support homosexuality. In fact, I'm getting
quite fed up with the word all together. From now on I refuse to say I am
attracted to men. I am attracted to people. In all their forms, shapes, colors
and genders. I am attracted to people. And if I can change one mindset at a
time, even if it's not enough for my lifetime, it will still be a battle won.
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