Saturday, 28 April 2012

The Ragged Coastline, Of A Sun-Warmed Mind

"I'll show you how much my shit stinks, and ask you what you think, coz your thoughts and words are powerful."- Kimya Dawson
I was struck with a thought today. Everyday, every hour, every minute for that matter, we make decisions. Some that we aren't even conscious of. We make them automatically, with a barely a thought given.
There are so many decisions I've made I regret. From small decisions like giving in to a food craving, that makes me obsess about my weight, to major decisions like choice of my career option. They've been spur of the moment, not-really-thinking, decisions. And if I had the choice I'd go back and change them.
Why though? Why do we make such decisions? When its up to us, to choose, why do we still choose wrong? I can blame no one for the wrong decisions I made. No one forced me, I was given the choice. What is it about our human nature, to make decisions we regret later?
Are we really so hasty, that we don't stop to think? Or are we so near-sighted as to not see the possibilities?
What happens when you make a life-altering decision, and it happens to be the wrong one? Do you get a chance to correct it? Or are you stuck coz you chose wrong? Who do you blame, when you mess up? When you're the only one at fault? Coz its human nature to put the blame on someone. So should we blame God? God, when you gave me the good sense of being able to think for myself, and make my choices, why didn't you give me the good sense to choose right? Its all your fault. You're supposed to be looking out for me.
When our actions are the cause for our pain, why do we get angry with Him? Why do we take our temper out on God, and stay mad at him?
We find it so easy to forgive those humans we love, who err, then why do we not forgive Him who gave us a chance to love? Is it coz we believe Him omnipotent? He's all knowing, all powerful, so he shouldn't go wrong? But humans are faulty, naïve, they can mess up?
I make a decision today. To take responsibility for all my actions. When I make a choice, solely my own, I shall not blame God, or my family, or my boyfriend and friends. I will accept that I was wrong, and blame no one.
I also decide that from now on, I will think till the end of my thinking capacity before I choose something.
For I believe, today, that a delayed decision, is better than a wrong one.
This life is my own, I want to die knowing I chose what was best for me. And without regrets.
I don't usually think so deep. But I did today. And I thought it should be written. Coz my thoughts and words are powerful.
I'm sitting in a rickshaw, with a cigarette burning in my right hand, stuck in crazy traffic. I could curse Mumbai, and the heat. However, I write.
For the choice to write too, is my own.

The Romantic Cynic.

The Leprechaun Stole The Colors Of The Rainbow

'You go back to her, and I go back to black.'- Amy Winehouse 
The color blue fades away into grey.
Even that bright pretty shade, can become dull grey, lifeless, devoid of color. Like someone sucked the vitality out of it.
The sky is a dull grey right now. The sky in her world. Out side the sky is a midnight blue.
Butterflies died. Kohl spread from big brown eyes, and down caramel cheeks. The light went out those eyes.
Doors banged shut. Silence crept in.
The curtains fluttered. The still hot night, holding her secrets. Light footsteps somewhere nearby.
She walked silently to her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks.
It wasn't blue anymore, there's no color left behind. It was grey everywhere she looked. Life, had lost the color, she'd been promised it would have.
Even when the sun came out, the shades that had once made her smile, were lost. The faith she had in life, died. She'd live, exist, purely because, she doesn't know better. But, what use is such a life?

She draped on a scarf, to hide her tears, and walked out to face the world.

Unrestricted Love

The reason people don't understand homosexuality is because people don't understand love. I've heard people tell me that homos...