Saturday 5 November 2011

Happily Ever Afters- Disney's lies

"No matter what happens, I'll always be with you. Forever"- Pocahontas
How many times have I heard my best friends say, "You're an extremely complicated girl Neha."
I didn't want to agree. Now I do. Coz they're right. I came to this conclusion myself. Has to be hard, dealing with someone whose thought processes jump a mile a minute. And I don't even know the measure of a mile.
I used to be delusional. I believed the best of everyone I met. Why would they walk away? Surely they'll stay, if I don't do anything wrong. Coz its always my mistake, see?
Do I still think this way? I don't think so. I still believe the best of people. But people leave. Dogs also leave, and they're better than people. You'll also leave, even though you're so good for me, its silly. You're making me laugh, and you're there when I'm cranky and hurt. You put no pressure on me. But you'll leave too.
I won't hold it against you.
I'm not believing in Happily Ever Afters anymore. Much as I want to. They don't exist. Coz there's always more.
In all those fairy-tales, did they ever show us what happens, after the Prince takes his Princess away to that Happily Ever After? Nah. Coz that's where the fights are, the childbirth, the noisy kids with the leaking noses, the housework, the annoying husband, who scratches his belly, and yells for a beer and his dinner.
Life is weird. I guess we're all just living, coz death isn't here yet.
Love isn't on the cards. Not for me. Though I have to admit, love stories make me misty-eyed. And a good love story, makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. But love stories are for other people, yes?
Not for me.

P.S.- About the quote, for those of you'll who haven't watched Pocahontas, the stupid girl, left poor John Smith. So she was lying when she said, forever. Just saying. Even Disney lied.

Much love,


  1. You are a fantastic writer. And an even better person.
    But, love.. Let's just say it's a bit elusive, yes?
    It'll happen.. Eventually.
    Or we'll just live together and have our own version of The Happily Ever After. :)

  2. Thank you, love.

    Love, toh, is playing Hide and Seek with us.
    But, there's always you phor m, no?

  3. some people leave...some people stay....its not about being realistic or living in a fairy tale....
    when ppl try 2 live in the delusion of happily ever after....they actually can...but 2 do so...u gotta know what happiness is for isnt what hollywood shows isnt what bollywood shows isnt that which is portrayed in "p.s. i love you"....they r illusions of how some ppl want life 2 b....but theres always a difference of how life should be....n how it actually is....n 2 know this difference....u gotta stop pondering over that which sounds good...that which looks good....that which feels good...coz wht might b good for u..may not b for another...instead....know what actually is good...coz there is universal good....maybe then...will u b able 2 find true happiness....n then happily ever after wont be a lie....


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